
30 June: all blooms facing downward, low lying, compact, nicely matted, filled in space well, nice color.

15 July: nice paired with petunia Lavender Skies, excellent coverage, shines in sun, full habit, nice, uniform mat of color, lots of flowers, nice uniformity, very nice color range.

30 July: outstanding, nice carpet, covered in flowers, low habit, flowers facing upward, color rich, plants healthy, great mass of color, lots of flowers after rain, fantastic color, nice.

15 Aug: perfect little bells, full of flowers, low habit, very nice, great coverage.

30 Aug: outstanding, amazing, very nice, lots of flowers, good mat coverage, marvelous color and coverage, washed out, nice.

15 Sept: good late season performance, still going strong, floriferous, uniform, full of blooms, very nice, healthy, colorful mat, great habit and color, looks great.